Saturday Night "Live" - 40 years
Dinner and gathering at Grace Farm. The location is just north & west of the Lake Shawnee Dam
We'll celebrate 40 years from 6 until 10 PM. Dinner at 7.
COST - $30 per person; $55 per couple includes meal and soft drinks.
Bring your own cooler (alchohol welcome)
Grace Farm Grace Farm Facebook page
2748 SE 29th St
TOPEKA, KS 66605 (Google Map link)
Do you have any old pictures or memorabilia that you want to share? BE SURE it's labelled with your name, etc. and bring it along for Saturday night. We'll have a display table for these old treasures.

Grace Farm
With a patio and fire pit, there's room for the party to roam outside too.

Grace Farm
The facility holds over 100 - we'll have plenty of room for you!

Grace Farm
2748 SE 29th St
TOPEKA, KS 66601